My Hair History

Okay, so basically the last time my mother cut my hair was when I was 2yrs old. She kept my hair natural most of the time unless there was a special occasion she would relax it then let it transition back to natural. I hated my natural hair not because it was ugly or anything but because it was just soooo damn painful. So when i turned 12 i was given the right to control what happens to my hair and I chose the relaxer route and have never turned back.
However I was young and ignorant really didn't know how to take care of my hair and it used to break so much.
Then i turned 14 and started experimenting with highlights dyes etc and yes, my hair got damaged.
I also used to get cute short bobs and trims to keep my hair shoulder length.
Then finally about 4 years ago in 2012 I decided to start my Healthy Relaxed Hair Journey.

My hair History in pics

My hair History in pics
form 2008 - 2012

my healthy relaxed hair journey

my healthy relaxed hair journey
started it end of 2012- 2015 however in 2014 my hair broke and I had to get a trim

My Afro

My Afro
March 2016

My hair right now

My hair right now
March 2016

Thursday 28 July 2016

My hair journey update

Hey beautiful people

So, I just thought I'd give you an update on my hair journey and the new products I have been  using. When I first began my hair journey I wasn't really trying to grow long hair hence I was not using anything for hair growth. I was focusing on growing healthy hair. However now I'm actually trying to grow it after I saw how long and beautiful Black Chyna's hair is. So basically Chyna's hair = my hair goals

see how gorgeous her hair is
yeah, so she inspired me to try grow my hair and see how long it will get. This was my hair begining of March 2016 just before I started using oils that promote hair growth.
March 2016
March 2016

What have i been doing to grow my hair.
  • Protective styling : I've been weaving my hair and getting box braids since then. Whenever I loosen my hair I wash it then do some form of plat just so that my hair is protectected and to stop me from over combing or brushing. Oh and when ever I weave my hair I leave my hair line out so i can contiuously treat it with my doctor Miracles temple and nape balm. I use it as an edge control too so 1 guess its a 2in1. Doctor Miracles also has a hot gro which i heard works wonders I havent personally tried it out but I have heard good reviews on it.You can get these products at Clicks or Dischem. If you are looking for something to use on your whole head I would suggest the Hot Gro.

  • Amla oil: this is the extract from gooseberries its made in India (Im sure we all know how gorgeous Indian hair is) Indians have been using this for centuries.Ive been using it to oil my scalp every other day for the for the 6 weeks I have had braids. Im happy with the results Ive seen so far. You can use it as is or u can mix it with coconut oil and use it to oil your scalp. This mixture is also great for dandruff. I got this in Dischem but im sure you can find it in any Indian Beauty supply shop.

  • Caivil Fusion Oil: I'll be using this to base my scalp when I have weaves. It's a mixture of black castor oil and argan oil. You can get this in Clicks.
  • Scalp massages: I've been giving myself scalp massages after oiling my scalp with the Amla oil. This promotes blood circulation. So if u have specific areas you are targeting for hair growth massaging those areas will help stimulate hair growth. Water is basically good for everything hair, skin etc.
  • Air dying: This is a good way to avoid using heat. After washing my hair I just dry it with a towel and let the air take care of the rest
  • Essential oils: Im also learning about mixing essential oils tea tree, fenugreek, rosemary etc. I have not really started using these yet but as soon as I do I will do a post focusing on hair growing oils for you guys.
This my hair now 

from now on I'll be taking pictures of the lenght of my hair from behind with a bra on to make it easier to track the growth and I'll be using this chart to help me tack the growth.

I hope this helps you out if you are trying to grow your hair. Feel free to comment, make suggetions or ask questions in the comment section below or dm me on twitter, FB or IG.

XOX & Take good care of that hair


  1. When do you use the alma oil and the essential oils. Alternating between the two types of oil.
    Is it ok to only use coconut oil

    1. i use those to oil my scalp and yes it is okay to only use coconut oil.

  2. Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative stuff.
    almond face scrub in faisalabad
