My Hair History

Okay, so basically the last time my mother cut my hair was when I was 2yrs old. She kept my hair natural most of the time unless there was a special occasion she would relax it then let it transition back to natural. I hated my natural hair not because it was ugly or anything but because it was just soooo damn painful. So when i turned 12 i was given the right to control what happens to my hair and I chose the relaxer route and have never turned back.
However I was young and ignorant really didn't know how to take care of my hair and it used to break so much.
Then i turned 14 and started experimenting with highlights dyes etc and yes, my hair got damaged.
I also used to get cute short bobs and trims to keep my hair shoulder length.
Then finally about 4 years ago in 2012 I decided to start my Healthy Relaxed Hair Journey.

My hair History in pics

My hair History in pics
form 2008 - 2012

my healthy relaxed hair journey

my healthy relaxed hair journey
started it end of 2012- 2015 however in 2014 my hair broke and I had to get a trim

My Afro

My Afro
March 2016

My hair right now

My hair right now
March 2016

Thursday 2 April 2015

How I restored my hair.

So, the first steps I took in my hair journey where
  1. Threw away the dyes.I stopped dying my hair and fell in love with my black hair. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with highlights and dying your hair, but that can damage your hair if  the wrong product is used or if u don't know how to take care of dyed hair, which leads to my next point... 
  2. Deep conditioning Deep conditioning and some more deep conditioning. The best thing you can do for your hair is deep conditioning it regularly ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE DYED HAIR. Deep conditioning helps strengthen your hair. I try deep condition my hair every time I shampoo it especially when I am about to weave or braid my hair. I usually do this at home by myself. These are the products I usually use you can get them almost anywhere.

  3. The next step is to always keep your scalp and hair moisturized (I struggle with this).Find a moisturizer that best suits you.I use the Olive Oil Sheen Spray.
  4. One of the things I stopped doing was DIY (do it yourself) relaxing.I found a good salon where I get my hair relaxed.(Some people are really good at doing their own hair but its not for everyone) Oh, I use Dark and Lovely relaxer I tried Olive Oil once and it didn't work well for me. The correct way your hair should be relaxed is by only putting relaxer on your roots/growth not on the hair that's already straight. How many times should  one relax their hair a year????? 3 or 4 times a year depending on how fast your hair grows.

  5. Hair Irons and Blow dryers are your enemy. Too much of anything can make you sick, too much heat will make your hair sick. I stopped over using heat. I only use my hair iron and blow dryer when I really really need to.
  6. And finally we have African hair we are not white our hair needs protective styling - braids, weaves,cornrows etc those are your friends (When they are done the right way and not damaging your hairline that is.) I try not to go more than two weeks with my real hair, Remember when i said my hair broke last year it was because went about 5 weeks with my hair loose in winter. (I have learnt from my mistake hope you learn too.) I also try to not keep my hairstyles for too long braids 6-8 weeks and weaves about a month.
Yeah, I think that's about it. Oh and most of these tips apply to natural hair too, except for the relaxer one lol.

Thank you for visiting my page hope theses tips and products help you out.

XOX & Take good care of that hair.


  1. What are your thoughts on redeeming the hairline, my hairline is depressing and I'm just about to shave my head

    1. Hey...I'm currently trying out products on my temples πŸ˜’ I tried doctor miracles temple and nape balm it worked but the texture of the hair that grew was very soft and it broke when I braidedπŸ˜”πŸ˜” Im now trying Jamaican black castor oil but started using it today so will get back to you in 2-3 weeks with an update. T444z is also a great option from what I've heard... Please don't shave your head πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
