My Hair History

Okay, so basically the last time my mother cut my hair was when I was 2yrs old. She kept my hair natural most of the time unless there was a special occasion she would relax it then let it transition back to natural. I hated my natural hair not because it was ugly or anything but because it was just soooo damn painful. So when i turned 12 i was given the right to control what happens to my hair and I chose the relaxer route and have never turned back.
However I was young and ignorant really didn't know how to take care of my hair and it used to break so much.
Then i turned 14 and started experimenting with highlights dyes etc and yes, my hair got damaged.
I also used to get cute short bobs and trims to keep my hair shoulder length.
Then finally about 4 years ago in 2012 I decided to start my Healthy Relaxed Hair Journey.

My hair History in pics

My hair History in pics
form 2008 - 2012

my healthy relaxed hair journey

my healthy relaxed hair journey
started it end of 2012- 2015 however in 2014 my hair broke and I had to get a trim

My Afro

My Afro
March 2016

My hair right now

My hair right now
March 2016

Thursday 2 April 2015

Hey guys so I started this blog to let you in on my hair routine.
im basically going to start of by telling u

  • what products I use and where u can buy them
  • my dos and don'ts when it comes to my hair
One thing we need to always remember is everyone's hair is different and different products work for different hair types.
I will try do as much research as I can on what works on different types of hair.

XOX & Take care