My Hair History

Okay, so basically the last time my mother cut my hair was when I was 2yrs old. She kept my hair natural most of the time unless there was a special occasion she would relax it then let it transition back to natural. I hated my natural hair not because it was ugly or anything but because it was just soooo damn painful. So when i turned 12 i was given the right to control what happens to my hair and I chose the relaxer route and have never turned back.
However I was young and ignorant really didn't know how to take care of my hair and it used to break so much.
Then i turned 14 and started experimenting with highlights dyes etc and yes, my hair got damaged.
I also used to get cute short bobs and trims to keep my hair shoulder length.
Then finally about 4 years ago in 2012 I decided to start my Healthy Relaxed Hair Journey.

My hair History in pics

My hair History in pics
form 2008 - 2012

my healthy relaxed hair journey

my healthy relaxed hair journey
started it end of 2012- 2015 however in 2014 my hair broke and I had to get a trim

My Afro

My Afro
March 2016

My hair right now

My hair right now
March 2016

Thursday 28 April 2016

Ways to keep your hair healthy during winter

Hello Beautiful People. Hope you are all well. Someone requested a post on how to keep your hair healthy during winter, so I came up with a few tips to help out...

  1. Deep Condition, Deep Condition, Deep Condition!!!! I do not how to emphasize this point. GUYS DEEP CONDITIONING IS ONE OF THE MAJOR  KEYS TO HAVING HEALTHY HAIR. (If you follow my blog I am sure you have noticed that I always talk about deep conditioning  and someone has asked me to upload a video of me deep conditioning my hair. I will do so next time!)
  2. Protective styling - This is probably the safest way to keep our hair safe, healthy and growing during winter because our hair isn't exposed to the harsh weather conditions. Abuse protective styles during winter: cornrows, braids, weaves (GO CRAZY!), but also let your hair and scalp breathe in between styles. 2-3 days with loose hair won't do much damage.  
  3. Moisturize your hair and scalp more often - Its important to keep a healthy scalp. Moisturizing your scalp every other day is a good idea. (I suck at this :(  ) 
  4. Avoid coloring/dying your hair in winter Dye generally dries out our hair and dry hair is the worst because it breaks easily. Dry hair + Winter = Worst Combination,therefore dying your hair during winter is a very very bad idea (I am generally against coloring hair but at some point I used to love it so I totally understand the obsession with hair dyes. I'll post some tips on how to keep your dyed hair healthy soon)
  5. Do not over wash your hair - Shampooing our hair strips it of oils leaving it dry. So it is advisable not to wash your hair frequently. Washing your hair once or twice a week is okay during winter.
  6. Headscarves and woolen hats - these are our besties during winter because they keep our hair covered and warm during winter. I also love these cause they are very stylish moment and ideal for those lazy days.
  7. Cover your hair at night - Temperatures generally drop at night so we need to keep our hair warm. Covering your hair with 2 headscarves is a good idea. (I really really need to do this )  
I am sure after reading this you have realized that it is important to keep our  hair moisturized at all times especially during winter.Thank you for visiting my page hope these tips help you out. Please comment, ask questions, share tips that I may have left out and feel free to make requests if there are specific things you would like me to talk about. You can also interact with on my social media pages
FACEBOOK: Sarah Vee Zhuwarara
INSTAGRAM: sarahvee101
SNAPCHAT: sarahvee101
TWITTER: @mssarahvee   

XOX & Take good care of that hair.

Sunday 17 April 2016

10 ways to stop your hair from breaking and shedding

 Hey beautiful people. Hope you are all well. I know it has been a while but I'm back. So you know how sometimes you can tell your hair is growing,but you actually can't see the difference in length. It's most probably cause of all the shedding and breakage. Shedding also = thinning and I know some people don't want that at all. So I compiled this list of ways to stop your hair from shedding and breaking.

  1. Deep condition your hair. This helps your hair stay strong and stops it from shedding.
  2. Drink lots of water. Water is good for almost everything skin,hair you name it.
  3. Do not over brush or comb your hair. 
  4. When detangling your  hair do it in sections. Detangle damp hair not wet hair.
  5. Sleep with a silk scarf wrapped around your hair or sleep on a silk pillow. (I struggle with this.)
  6. Keep your hair and scalp moisturised at all times. Try moisturising your hair every other day. (I struggle with this too)
  7. Use correct comb or brush for your hair. ( I'll do a blog post on this.)
  8. Try by all means to stay away from using heat on your hair. Instead of blow drying your hair try air drying it when you have time. Use your straightener when you really really really need to. When you apply heat on your hair use a heat protector. I recommend these two but there are many out there.

  9. Protective styling. Braids, weaves, corn rows etc ( I'll do a blog post on protective styling soon)
  10.  Trim your ends. I know most people don't like this but it has to be done.

I'm so sorry for the silence. I will try post more regularly from now on. Thank you for visiting my page hope theses tips and products help you out.

XOX & Take good care of that hair.