My Hair History

Okay, so basically the last time my mother cut my hair was when I was 2yrs old. She kept my hair natural most of the time unless there was a special occasion she would relax it then let it transition back to natural. I hated my natural hair not because it was ugly or anything but because it was just soooo damn painful. So when i turned 12 i was given the right to control what happens to my hair and I chose the relaxer route and have never turned back.
However I was young and ignorant really didn't know how to take care of my hair and it used to break so much.
Then i turned 14 and started experimenting with highlights dyes etc and yes, my hair got damaged.
I also used to get cute short bobs and trims to keep my hair shoulder length.
Then finally about 4 years ago in 2012 I decided to start my Healthy Relaxed Hair Journey.

My hair History in pics

My hair History in pics
form 2008 - 2012

my healthy relaxed hair journey

my healthy relaxed hair journey
started it end of 2012- 2015 however in 2014 my hair broke and I had to get a trim

My Afro

My Afro
March 2016

My hair right now

My hair right now
March 2016

Thursday 14 May 2015

Let's promote hair growth.

Hey guys,so my posts over the next few weeks are going to be focused on hair growth and what products you can use to grow your hair. I've asked a few people I know to help me out and this week I'm sharing Nyasha's hair secrets...

My hair basically broke then after a while and my older sister helped me on my hair journey. She googles and reads reviews for every product she buys.

Castor oil: I use it two ways I wake up every morning and rub on my hair line and it's improved over time because of this. The trick is to massage it. The other way I use it is by pre-pooing , the day before I wash and OT (oil treatmeant). I put caster oil, olive oil, and jasmine oil in my hair and just tie it up . Then I shampoo my hair next day and OT it after. I use dark and lovely OT very good especially if you add peppermint oil and coconut oil to it.

I also do protein treatments sometimes with coconut oil . I alternate between OT or protein treatment. Recently started using a new product that seems to be working for protein treatments.

I try to avoid using heat in my hair as much as possible and I've started using flexi rods/bendy rollers. Takes a while to dry but the curl lasts a few days. I use a setting foam and I use a Shea butter curling cream that helps with shine and moisture. I OT my hair once a week and I do it at home I just put my mixture into my hair and I tie it up and go about my business.

 I oil my hair with Indian hemp and dark and lovely alma legend amazing stuff and its awesome whe you have braids. They also have an OT that's really good and thickening oil. I'm a bit of a product lover.
I textlise my hair, I don't over process my hair at all and its added to the thickness a lot and doesn't thin out. Zimbabwe hair dressers over process hair bad bad bad. I use soft and free relaxer it's really good been using it about 2 years. I only relax 3 times a year, 4 if I need it.

I also use leave in conditioner and spray on days that I feel my hair is dry.I also use this interesting spray and sill it with coconut oil.
I have been using this shampoo and conditioner for a few years now.

 An important thing I do is I get my spilt ends trimmed as much as I can ( maybe thats why my hair grows so fast). People are scared to cut but I cut. I also have protective styles all the time weaves with closures and braids but don't keep them in for long. It's very good to change hairstyles and let your scalp breathe.

 6 months difference.
It's getting thicker
Recovering hair line

Hope this helps
Peace, happiness, love and joy...

feel free to comment and ask questions :)
thank you & take care of that hair